Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Friends, friends, friends

This morning for Meeting for Worship, the Sparrows had a few moments of silence, during which some friends chose to stand up and share their thoughts. For the second part of our Meeting, we played a building classroom community game, where friends rolled a beach ball to one another. 
How to play the game:
A friend chooses a friend to roll the ball to, says their name out loud and gently rolls the ball to them. Once the ball gets to that friend, the friend who rolled the ball uses kind, uplifting words with that friend. Once the ball has been rolled to you it cannot be rolled again, until the ball has reached all the players. Once the ball has reached all participants, the game is complete!

The Sparrows enjoyed playing this beach ball building activity, and could be seen grinning ear to ear after hearing the kind and positive words from their friends.

Shortly after Meeting for Worship, our third grade buddies came for a visit. Together, friends had choice time and took part in all types of activities. 

It is neat watching the strong friendships and connections that have formed between partners, and all of the friends. Everyone truly enjoys being in one another's company. The Sparrows feel comfortable with their 3rd grade partner, as well as with other friends in the class.

In the magnatile area, partners broke off to create their own buildings, and then all came together to connect the structures.

In the sandbox, friends made tea, with LOTS of sugar!

After our shared choice time with 3rd grade, friends rhymed their way to wash their hands for snack. Luckily, the weather cleared up in time for us to have outdoor play, and just started raining when it was time to come back inside! 

Ask your Sparrow what they like doing with their partner.

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Dress up day!

   Today the Sparrows shared the last meeting for Worship with their 3rd grade buddies. Then Friends enjoyed the rest of the day playing ...