Monday, November 20, 2017

What are you thankful for?

This morning in library, Kathryn read us a Fall favorite, Sophie's Squash. In the story, Sophie, the main character, goes to the market with her mother and chooses a squash. Rather than cook the squash, Sophie draws a face on the squash and names it Bernice. Sophie takes care of Bernice just as a friend would, but as time goes on and Winter nears, Bernice starts to change. Sophie must figure out how to help her friend.

After reading, friends went "shopping" for books.

Friends took their time carefully looking through books and finding just the one for them!

Back in the classroom, we had morning meeting and read The Mitten Tree. The book is centered around an elderly woman and the children in her neighborhood. To conclude our read aloud, we spoke about how we can help others and what we are thankful for in our own lives.

Ask your Sparrow what they are thankful for.

Choice time pictures below!

Today friends journaled on the topic of What are you thankful for?

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