Tuesday, November 21, 2017


This morning in Spanish, Alicia brought out pictures of different types of weather and taught us how to say each in Spanish.

We reviewed the seasons, Otoño, Invierno, Primavera, Verano. Friends noticed that we have matching pictures up in our classroom!

We sang Las Estaciónes and did the movements to go along with it.

Playing Matamoscas!

Today was Mya's turn to squeeze la vaca. After la vaca said, "Muuuuuuchas gracias!" The Sparrows replied with "de nada."

Following Spanish, the Sparrows started to prepare for our Thanksgiving Celebration! Friends washed their hands and took a seat at one of the tables. On each table was an avocado. Friends recognized the avocado, and took turns passing it around. Each friend had a chance to hold to the avocado and observe its texture.

Fact: Avocado is a fruit

During Spanish, the teachers did a little prep work by splitting open the avocados, scooping them out and placing them in a dish. 
As a group, we discussed what you can do with avocados, and how you can eat them. Today we chose to use them to make guacamole!

Using the back of a fork, friends took turns mashing the avocados.

Making guacamole took a lot of muscle strength!

Once mostly mashed, friends sprinkled in tomato for some texture and color. We also squeezed in lemon juice and added salt and pepper to taste!

Before taking our homemade guacamole to the celebration, we had to do a taste test first! Each Sparrow took a chip and dipped it. Those who tried the guacamole gave it a thumbs up! All gave the chips a thumbs up too!

Soon it was time to meet the Catbirds and Cardinals downstairs. Before we began out feast, friends took their time getting comfortable in the space and playing with one another. 

Each classroom brought something different to the celebration. The Cardinals: banana bread, Catbirds: smoothies, and the Sparrows: guacamole and chips.

Friends sat alongside one another, enjoying the food and engaging with each other.

To end our time together, all of the friends joined together to sing a couple of songs.

We had such a wonderful time coming together and eating yummy food! We are hoping to do this again in the near future!

After our Thanksgiving Celebration, the Sparrows went back upstairs to get their coats to go outside.

Before lunch, a friend shared a book all about snakes!

Ask your Sparrow if they liked the banana bread, guacamole and chips, and/or smoothie (strawberry/banana).

We hope you all have a wonderful holiday filled with fun, family and friends, relaxation, and great food!

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