Monday, December 4, 2017

Gingerbread Playdough!

The Sparrows walked over to the library this morning, hand in hand. 

Friends returned theirs books, and then took a seat on the rug to listen to a couple of stories.

Michelle read aloud two books.

After our shared read aloud, friends explored the books set out on the tables. Once a friend found a book to their liking, they checked it out with Michelle and found a seat in the library to do some reading.

Friends chose to read together, as well as independently.

Soon it was time to leave the library and come back to our classroom. We had morning meeting and read Gingerbread Baby

On Friday, we read The Gingerbread Man. During our read aloud today, friends noticed similarities and differences between the two stories. For instance, in Gingerbread Baby, the gingerbread did not get eaten by the fox.
To help list the differences and similarities, we created a Venn diagram. One circle listed events that happened in The Gingerbread Man, another in Gingerbread Baby, and one for things that were the same in both.

While reading, we also discussed gingerbread and what that smells like. After completing our diagram, each friend got the chance to smell some "gingerbread." Friends soon found out that they were smelling our new playdough! 
Gingerbread playdough!!

The Sparrows could not wait to get their hands on our new batch of gingerbread playdough. Friends took turns rotating through this center during choice, as well as building with magnatiles, shapes, sorting counting bears, and books.

Ask your Sparrow what the gingerbread smelled like and/or reminded them of.

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