Thursday, February 1, 2018

Chucu Chaca


Using permanent markers, the Sparrows drew different shapes and designs on watercolor paper. Friends used a spray bottle to wet the paper. Once the paper was nice and damp, using shades of blue and purple tissue paper, friends stuck it on top of the wet paper. After filling the whole entire page, friends peeled the tissue paper off, leaving purple and blue stamps.

Friends wore their coats to take pictures for the snow globe craft they are working on.

Between art and music, the Sparrows came back to the classroom for morning meeting. We went over our schedule and the new month of February. Friends counted the spots left on our hundreds chart and learned that we have 11 days until the 100th day of school! Before we lined up to walk to music, we read How do Dinosaurs go to School?


In music, we began with our regular routine and then went into Chucu Chaca. We first practiced walking in a circle singing the words and doing the movements. Soon each Sparrow was given egg shakers to shake while walking and singing to the beat on the "train."

Following Chucu Chaca, friends sat down in a circle and did Washy Washy (always a favorite among the Sparrows).

Ask your Sparrow to sing and do the movements to Chucu Chaca.

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