Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Team Up!

 Today was a busy day in the Sparrows classroom. We started the day off with Alicia reviewing the dress clothes vocabulary in Spanish. Friends played a game in which they had to recognize the words learned.

Later, some friends worked on their journals during choice time.

Today, the Sparrows took part in a team building activity. Each Sparrow paired up with a friend and discussed ideas on what they were going to create. After deciding on a vision and materials, the teams got to work building their creations. The results were stunning!! The Sparrows practiced not only their fine motor skills and creativity, but also the ability to communicate with a classmate pursuing a common cause. 

 Playing Matamoscas with Alicia, in which the children had to listen to Spanish words and associate them with the images in the pictures.

 Working on journals.

 The Sparrows love snow! They spent a few minutes watching the beautiful snowfall.

 The teams working on their creatioms.

 Team Shiloh-Zev proudly presented "The Car Wash" (materials used: magnatiles).

Team Seth-Yana with their "Flaying Boat" (materials used: legos)

 Team Zoë-Henry showing "The Candy Castle with doggy robot who likes to eat candy"(materials used: magnatiles).

Team Devin-Thea presenting "The Cheese Maker" (materials used: magnatiles)

 Team Natey-Mya and their Robots! (materials used: legos)

 Team Jaylen-Lincoln-Taylor presenting "Airport with airplane and the car to carry suitcases" materials used: (bristle blocks)

Ask your Sparrow about what they built with their partner for team building challenge.

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Dress up day!

   Today the Sparrows shared the last meeting for Worship with their 3rd grade buddies. Then Friends enjoyed the rest of the day playing ...