Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Rock-A-Bye Baby

Today, the Sparrows enjoyed Meeting for Worship in the classroom. We began with a moment of silence, and then each Sparrow received a picture of a classmate. The assignment was to say something thoughtful and kind about the friend in the picture received. It was a special Meeting in the Sparrow classroom, in which everyone felt loved and appreciated.

Following Meeting for Worship, our 3rd grade friends came over to share choice time with us. It is heartwarming to see how the group enjoys each others company, and how the 3rd graders view themselves as role models, while the Sparrows view their buddies with great admiration.

Next, the Sparrows listened to the story, The Dog Who Cried Wolf.
Before going to the playground, friends laid down their bodies on the rug, listening to relaxing music and practicing deep breaths.

At the end of lunch time, some Sparrows assumed the roles of "mommy" and "daddy," and helped to take care of "Baby Thea," who spontaneously decided to assume the (very well played) baby role. :) The Sparrows have truly mastered taking on dramatic play roles!

Ask your Sparrow how they felt when they heard their friends share kind words with them during our circle.

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Dress up day!

   Today the Sparrows shared the last meeting for Worship with their 3rd grade buddies. Then Friends enjoyed the rest of the day playing ...