Friday, February 2, 2018

Eagles Green Flubber!

This morning, the Sparrows read The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. Last week we read The Three Little Pigs. Ever since reading the story last week, The Three Little Pigs has become a common theme in our classroom. After reading another version of the story today, friends compared and contrasted the two. Following our read aloud and discussion, friends watched The True Story of the Three Little Pigs video clip.

During choice time, friends chose between blocks, drawing, dramatic play, and building The Three Little Pigs houses. To represent straw, we used plastic drinking straws. For sticks, we used popsicle sticks, and for bricks we used red Legos. The Sparrows founds the straws to not be sturdy at all, but played around with them to figure out how to get them to hold still.


This group here worked together to build The Castle. Friends were focused, and communicated their ideas clearly, not to mention exhibited great turn taking and team building skills. The work this team put in to create their castle was remarkable.

Playing kitten (above) and eating snack (below).


Today we made flubber!

We put the two tables together, and friends sat around to take part in making our batch of flubber. Friends poured and mixed ingredients.

When it came time to add color, friends voted on green for the Eagles!

After making flubber, friends went outside for (a very short) outdoor play.

Ask your Sparrow what the flubber felt like in their hands!

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