Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Castles, Cards, and Creatures!

Spanish began with un momento de silencio. Friends took this moment to travel to a special place in their minds.

Ask your Sparrow where they traveled to during their moment of silence.

In the past couple weeks, Alicia has been discussing the sense of self and identity with the Sparrows. Today friends read a story about Pelo, and how our hair makes us unique and special, whether you have a lot, a little or none at all. The book discussed different hairstyles, colors, and types.

The Sparrows had a group discussion about their differences and similarities, and how our characteristics make us each special individuals!

Soon after, the Sparrows played Matamoscas and got to choose either the grande or pequeno swatter. Friends practiced naming different articles of clothing.

To end Spanish, Lincoln squeezed la vaca to say "Muuuuuuchas gracias."

Following Spanish, the Sparrows had morning meeting. During our morning meeting, we had a group conversation about things we know and things we would like to know about the sea and its creatures.

Soon friends entered into choice time. 
In the picture below, friends are playing Robot Kitty.

We put the two tables together and created a large card-making station. Make sure to check your Sparrow's mailbox, for you may have gifts from a very special Valentine!

Flubber and magnatiles

Creating a castle.

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