Monday, October 2, 2017

Mini Matisse's

This morning the Sparrows read Henri's Scissors. This is a wonderful story about the famous artist Henri Matisse. The books gives a brief, child-friendly glimpse into Henri's life, and mostly discusses his later years. As Henri grew older, he became ill and was confined to his bed. In bed, he was still able to make amazing works of art. That is where he began to draw with scissors. Henri would create large paper cutout designs using his scissors.

Inspired by Henri Matisse's story, the Sparrows used secondary and primary colors to paint their own works of art. While some friends were at one table painting, some friends were using scissors to make paper cutouts. Once complete on their work, friends switched tables. This was a great exercise in fine motor development, hand-eye coordination, and paying attention to detail.

We also set out some pictures of Matisse's work to help inspire us.

Ask your Sparrow what famous artist we learned about today.

Bonus question: What city did that artist move to?

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