Thursday, September 28, 2017

What do you love about school?

This morning we had Meeting for Worship in the classroom. Since we have done such a wonderful job practicing in our room, next week we will practice in the music room, and soon enough make our way to the Meeting House with all of lower school. Following Meeting for Worship, we had our morning meeting. Friends have been practicing their letter identification and sounds, as well as counting using our calendar.

For choice time, friends chose between playdough, which is helping grow fine and gross motor skills, as well as sharing and turn-taking skills...

magnatiles, which are helping with spatial awareness...

dollhouse, which is helping build our imaginations and cognitive skills...

and books, which help to grow our literacy skills.

Today, the Sparrows completed their first journals of the year.
Journal topic: What do you love about school?
Friends made their illustrations today, and tomorrow will work on writing their words.

Before going outside, one of the Sparrows gave a presentation on their recent trip to Chicago, complete with airplane photos and video. Friends asked questions and gave comments on the topic. There were a lot of connections being made about airplanes and traveling. One connection in particular included the use of headphones.

Ask your Sparrow what they love about school.

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   Today the Sparrows shared the last meeting for Worship with their 3rd grade buddies. Then Friends enjoyed the rest of the day playing ...