Monday, May 14, 2018

Rules are meant to be broken?

Weekend News

Seth- I stayed at my house. I was trying to make a card for my mommy but I realized I already made a gift for my mommy. Then when it was dinner time. Someone from AFS bringed me dinner. It was Chef Jay. He bringed broccoli, pasta, bread, and chicken fingers and french fries. And one more, ketchup and barbecue sauce. 

Henry- Grandma and Aunt Debbie came to my house and we went to a restaurant. We painted a birdhouse. That's it.

Mya- I celebrated Mother's Day. I went to drum school. It's just a drum room. It's a room with a big piano. 

Jaylen- I played with Sadie and Kaya. Mommy had breakfast in bed. I made it with Sadie, Kaya and Daddy. 

Yana- I was playing with my brother and I was having a playdate with Emma. I was having Mother's Day at my cousins houses. 

Natey- I watched a movie. Spongebob Squarepants. 

Thea- I played with momma and daddy and baby. I played with them bingo. I picked out cards for grandma and mommy.

ZoĆ«- I go to a Chinese place with daddy and mommy, and go to Barnes and Noble. I made a card for mommy and daddy. I had fun. I go to grammy's house. I played with Maya and pop-pop and grammy and Bella. 

Devin- I got to watch a movie. It was Isle of Dogs. I got to go to brunch and I saw a huge spider on the ceiling. I got to go to grandmom's house. 

Taylor- I went to mommy's graduation. I was at the hotel for Mother's Day and I stayed at the hotel for like three days. I went to IHOP for dinner and breakfast.

Zev- I went to Hershey Park and Hershey Hotel. Then after we went home, we slept and afterwards the next day, I went to school.

Lincoln- I did Mother's Day with mommy. I also went to the beach and got ice cream and lollipops. 

In library this morning, Catherine read us Library Lion. The book gave great, detailed illustrations. The Sparrows were fully engaged listening to this imaginative story. Friends know there are particular rules that apply in the library, but the Lion in the story was not so sure of them. Friends raised their hands and answered questions to share their thoughts about what was happening in the story and why. Rules are meant to be followed, but in some cases they are meant to be broken. The story ended with "Sometimes there was a good reason to break the rules. Even in the library."

Friends continued to work on their Spring pictures for our gallery.

The Sparrows noticed something new in our classroom today...a giant box!
Before getting a chance to explore the box, we had a group discussion about safe play and good choices. Similar to the Library Lion, we made rules and guidelines for when playing inside the box. Friends also decided that we should make it into a yellow submarine! Friends paired up to take turns exploring.

Ask your Sparrow how we treat and take care of our special box.

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