Wednesday, May 23, 2018

A Birthday celebration and a mini virtual tour!

After Meeting for Worship, we came back to the classroom. Friends had a little bit of choice time, and then Jaylen's mom came for snack time with cupcakes to celebrate Jaylen's birthday.
 Friends sang Happy Birthday to Jaylen and enjoyed a yummy treat before going outside.

Happy 4th birthday, Jaylen!

When we came back from the playground the teachers surprised the Sparrows with a special FaceTime visit with Mya, who is in Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) at this moment. Mya showed us not only her beautiful smile, but also the swimming pool, palm trees and even the beach!

Sparrows ended the morning with more choice time. Here is a group of friends in the kitchen area getting ready for a picnic.

Packing the picnic basket.

Some friends drew with markers, while others picked up magnatiles to build together, and another group of Sparrows chose the Legos. Whatever the Sparrows choose at choice time, they are always practicing social and emotional skills, as well as fine motor skills, coordination, problem solving and surely having a ton of fun!

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Dress up day!

   Today the Sparrows shared the last meeting for Worship with their 3rd grade buddies. Then Friends enjoyed the rest of the day playing ...