Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Ocean in a Bottle

Weekend News

Lincoln- I just played with my mommy and my daddy and Toby. I just go to museum and aquarium.

Yana- I asked my mom to go in the water park next week. I drink my milk. I found water balloons.

Taylor- I played with some of my baby's toys. I turned my baby's toy over and I saw some sea animals! I saw a squid, a shrimp, and I saw a whale and a shark, and an alligator. I saw a fishy. Mackenzie had a birthday at the Little Pod, and I saw a duck.

Zev- When I was eating, everything could talk. Even the whole ceiling!

Henry- I played inside with my daddy and mommy, and then we went outside. Then, daddy told me we would go to a big playground. There's a big hill so we drived in our car and there was a big hill and we went down in our sled.

Natey- Played with mommy. We played ninjas.

Devin- I watched a movie, Kung Fu Panda 3!

Mya- I just went to New York. We had movie night. 

Jaylen- Played with my mommy and daddy. I played in the sandbox.

Thea- Played with my mommy, we plated bingo. Played with daddy too. We played bingo with my daddy. I held Quinn. Mommy and daddy fed him. Mommy and I did change Quinn, then I played more with Quinn.

Seth- I had ice cream and then a pizza party because my mama loves pizza parties. Then it was Samuel's birthday. We gave him a lot of treats, cakes, gifts and presents. Then I went outside to play outside. I went to Target and got a toy, it was Lightning McQueen! Then, I went home and me my brothers went to sleep when my mom was still up.

Zoƫ- I had a playdate with starfish and cat. I had a playdate with one of my lovies named Even. I had a playdate one of my lovies named Sam and Jon. We ate and then we slept with pancakes on our faces and then put cucumbers on them.

Friends went to the library this morning and checked out new books to bring back to our classroom. Before friends explored the books set out, Catherine read us two books to which the Sparrows sat and listened to patiently and attentively.

Ask your Sparrow about the book they checked out from the library today!

When the Sparrows came back to the classroom, they entered into choice time. Some friends chose to read their new library books, while others chose to build with magnatiles and Legos, cook in the kitchen, and play "teacher."

During morning meeting, we read the book Me First. The story had a great message, and friends walked away with the notion that being first is not always the best or always a good thing. If you hear your Sparrow talking about Pinkerton, know that this is the main character in the story!

Friends munched on cheese and crackers, and orange slices for snack.

Following snack, we did an experiment where we made an ocean in a bottle. 
Using a plastic bottle, we poured in a cup of oil and filled the rest up with water. Friends observed the two liquids and after a few seconds noticed that the oil and water separated. Friends gave all sorts of reasons as to why the oil floated to the top and why the water stayed at the bottom. Soon, the Sparrows concluded that the oil floated on top of the water because oil is less dense than water. Oil likes to stick together with oil, and water with water.

We added blue food coloring, glitter and fish.

Throughout the day friends enjoyed shaking up the bottle and watching the oil, glitter and fish float through the water. Some friends even played a game where they rolled the bottle across the table to one another.

In the later afternoon hours, friends worked on their sea creatures and March self-portraits.

Ask your Sparrow why oil and water don't mix!

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