Thursday, February 22, 2018

100 Days of School!

Today we had a special Meeting for Worship. We decided to stay in the classroom and journal for Meeting. The assignment was to draw a picture of how you would describe Meeting for Worship to a friend. Each Sparrow chose a cozy spot in the classroom and worked independently while listening to classical music.

 Today we celebrated  the 100th day of school! We started off with a fresh and nutritious snack: carrots and cucumbers. The purpose of this snack was to encourage friends to create the number 100 in a fun way.

 During this activity, the Sparrows learned another useful way to use cucumbers...

 Cucumbers help to decrease puffiness of tired eyes! :)

 After snack and (spa) time, the Sparrows went outside to enjoy the beautiful day, playing with their 3rd grade friends. Together friends played chasing games, climbed, "cleaned" the pond and more!

 Back in the classroom it was Devin's turn to put the number 100 on the chart! Together we practiced skip counting by 10s. We read Jake's 100th Day of School. 
 Soon after morning meeting, the party started! The Sparrows made fruit loop necklaces using 100 pieces of the cereal (plus the ones that they ate while making the necklaces). Friends used their fine motor and one to one correspondence skills to place pieces of cereal on a grid labeled 1-100.

 In another center, friends teamed up to stack 100 cups, working on balance and spatial awareness. Friends also colored and assembled 100 day hats. Friends colored their hats, and then used scissors to cut them out.

  Our final activity before lunch was searching the room for 100 100's! In the room, we scattered 10 colored sets of the number 100. The Sparrows were fast and got them all in no time! We placed the 100 100's on the chart and practiced counting all of them by 10s!

 Lunch time silliness ;)

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Dress up day!

   Today the Sparrows shared the last meeting for Worship with their 3rd grade buddies. Then Friends enjoyed the rest of the day playing ...