Friday, November 3, 2017

Rainbows, Eggs, and Trees

In art this morning, Donna explained to us that we would be making a rainbow design to help us learn about complementary colors. Donna told us that complementary colors are colors that go well together.

Before going to their tables, friends had a group discussion on the order of the colors in the rainbow; red, orange, yellow, blue, indigo, and violet. Each friend was given a blue piece of paper and crayons to start. Using crayons, friends created beautiful rainbows on their paper. Next, using precut pieces of paper, friends pasted the paper on top of the blue sheet in the same order. 

Once rainbows were drawn, and precut pieces pasted, friends decorated the pieces they pasted to represent buildings.

Over in music, friends explored the instruments during free play.
We sang a couple songs in circle, Jambo and Grandma and Grandpa's Glasses. Friends used different pitches for grandma and grandpa's voices, high and low.

Next, friends found a spot on the floor and made a nest with their hands for Keisha to place an egg. Using their eggs, friends played a high and low game with their voices. They shook them high and low, and then did a little dance and stopped to hold them close. This game helped friends to practice high and low pitches, and following/listening to directions. Friends went around the circle taking turns choosing an ending pose for the group.

Next, we sang Washy Washy sitting in circle with our egg shakers. Friends used the eggs to "wash" different parts of their bodies. Keisha used different tempos on her guitar for friends to follow along to with their eggs.

Back by popular demand, Keisha read us Five Little Pumpkins.
To end music, we sang our goodbye song, lined up, and walked back to our classroom.

In the classroom, we had snack and choice time. Soon, we had morning meeting and friends found out we would be going on a nature walk around campus.

Following morning meeting, friends got ready in line. We headed outside to explore our beautiful campus and look for signs of Fall.

Outside, the Sparrows observed the changing colors on the trees, and different shades of red, yellow, orange, and brown. 

It was such a beautiful day that friends were able to take their jackets off and run up and down the field. We played Red Light, Green Light as a group. Before returning inside, the Sparrows took a quiet moment to take in the scenery and appreciate the trees and all their beauty.

Ask your Sparrow what it felt like when we were shaded and surrounded by all of the trees.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love the pictures of the class on the bridge, amazing.


Dress up day!

   Today the Sparrows shared the last meeting for Worship with their 3rd grade buddies. Then Friends enjoyed the rest of the day playing ...