Thursday, November 2, 2017

New adventures with our 3rd grade friends!

 This time it was the Sparrows turn to visit the 3rd grade classroom and it was so nice to see our 3rd grade friends waiting patiently for us on the rug. We started off with a moment of silence. Then, Jeanne read a beautiful Japanese story, "The Sound of Silence."
 Later, we all went together to the playground.

 Our 3rd grade friends taught us new ways  to use some of our games.

 They cooked together using pumpkins, water and some other mysterious ingredients.
 Friends played hide-and-go-seek and chasing games

 When the 3rd graders went back to their classroom, some Sparrows decided to "cook" some more.

  While others jumped on the pieces of wood trunks and on the hay piles, exercising their muscles and gross motor skills

 Back in our classroom, some Sparrows continued with choice time.
 Here, friends are building together a train station.

 Here friends are talking through what to build.

 While some friends continued with choice time, others worked on their journals. The assignment for today was: What would you do on a cloudy day?

 The children drew a picture of what they like to do on a cloudy day.

 When finished with the journal, friends came back to choice time.
They used the magnatiles to build a zoo, and built houses for each different species of animals and carefully separated the carnivores from the herbivores.
  These friends worked together to build airplanes using legos.

 The Sparrows always enjoy the sandbox!

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Dress up day!

   Today the Sparrows shared the last meeting for Worship with their 3rd grade buddies. Then Friends enjoyed the rest of the day playing ...