Thursday, November 30, 2017

Backgrounds and Seasons

With the Winter Program coming up, the Sparrows worked hard in art class to help design and decorate the set that will be up on stage.

Friends split up into two groups. One group helped to paint a pipe, while the other group helped to decorate heart leaves that will hang from a vine. Friends painted the pipe red, and used purple and pink markers to decorate the heart shaped leaves. After a bit of time, friends switched stations.

Donna explained the difference between two dimensional and three dimensional shapes. Donna first showed a flat heart leaf, and explained that it is 2-D because it is flat. Then Donna brought out a 3-D heart leaf, which popped out. She then showed us how to manipulate the flat piece of paper to form a three dimensional shape.

Back in the classroom we read Seasons. The book was very helpful in giving facts and information about the different types of weather, clothes, and happenings in each season.

Following reading our story, we settled into a moment of silence. Friends were silent and still, with no interruptions, for one whole minute! The Sparrows are working on keeping their voices and bodies still during a moment of silence, and other quiet times. As a class we have decided to start a jar that we will add a pompom to for each time the group is able to be respectful listeners and leaders. Friends are thinking that once we have earned enough pompoms to fill the whole jar that we should have a class pizza party!

Next, we continued with our morning meeting, going over our schedule, calendar, weather and question of the day. To go to choice, each friend answered the question What is your favorite season and why?

For choice, friends worked at the drawing table with markers and scissors, built with magnatiles and animals, pattern blocks, magnetic letters, and took on imaginary roles with the dollhouse.

Ask your Sparrow what their favorite season is and why.

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