Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Weather bingo

This morning for Spanish, Alicia brought in bingo! Not your typical bingo though...weather bingo! The Sparrows reviewed the words for different types of weather in Spanish, and then each received dotters to place on their boards for when Alicia called out a word.

Ask your Sparrow what nublado (cloudy) means.

After Spanish, the Sparrows had some choice time and also continued working on our project from Friday. Today, friends used a q-tip to help dot white paint on the paper to represent snowflakes.
More to come on our project. Stay tuned!

For outdoor play today, the Sparrows were able to enjoy their outside time with all of the early childhood and kindergarten classes.
Following outdoor play, we came back inside, read a story and washed our hands for lunch.
After lunch, one of the Sparrow's gave a presentation on their recent trip to Disney World!
Friends were a great audience, and shared comments, questions, and connections!

Thank you Natey for sharing your trip with us!

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Dress up day!

   Today the Sparrows shared the last meeting for Worship with their 3rd grade buddies. Then Friends enjoyed the rest of the day playing ...