Tuesday, November 14, 2017


Un momento de silencio con Alicia.

Following our moment of silence, and the singing of Buenos Dias, Alicia put different pictures of different types of weather out for us to go over. We went over cold (frio), hot (calor), snow (nieve), rain (lluvia), windy, and cloudy.

Next, we listened to a song about the seasons, las estaciones.

Alicia brought out four different pictures, one for each season, for the Sparrows to observe and learn. Fall- Otoño
Winter- Invierno
Spring- Primavera
Summer- Verano

We played Matamoscas to help us remember how to say each season in Spanish. Friends took turns using the swatters and calling out the seasons, and then would pasalo to the next friend.

After Spanish, we had choice time. Friends chose between blocks and magnatiles, pattern blocks, playdough and kitchen.

Yesterday we began creating the leaves on our trees for our Fall scene. Friends used dotters to help create a warm watercolor effect. The Sparrows used red, orange and yellow watercolors to represent leaves on the trees. Friends squeezed the top of the dotter, and then would let go to watch the tube fill up with liquid. Friends experimented with squeezing the top of the dotter, and then placed the watercolor on top of coffee filters. The Sparrows enjoyed watching the thin paper absorb the liquid and change colors.

Below are some pictures from outdoor play.

Silly snack helpers.

Ask your Sparrow if they know how to say Fall (or any of the seasons) in Spanish.

Fall- Otoño
Winter- Invierno
Spring- Primavera
Summer- Verano

Tomorrow, 11/15, the Sparrows will begin joining the rest of lower school every Wednesday for Meeting for Worship in the Meeting House. We would like to ask that all Sparrows be in the classroom by 8:10am so that we can walk over with our third grade partners. We do understand that some times things may arise that may prevent you from arriving by 8:10. If that happens, please no worries. You can meet us over at the Meeting House, or we will be back in our classroom by 9:20 am. 

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Dress up day!

   Today the Sparrows shared the last meeting for Worship with their 3rd grade buddies. Then Friends enjoyed the rest of the day playing ...