Thursday, October 19, 2017

Sharing silence, Coloring colors, Peace printing

     The Sparrows began the day with Meeting for Worship.       

 After enjoying a few minutes of  silence, some friends shared their thoughts and feelings. It is comforting to notice that the children are starting to understand the concept of moment of silence not just as a quiet moment.

 Based on the observations of our Color Walk experiment, the Sparrows concluded that the primary colors were absorbed by the paper towels and that they turned into secondary colors, where the paper towels connected with the two primary colors. A little later we created the same experiment, this time using food coloring and water. The Sparrows observed that the colors were less brighter than the liquid watercolor used in the first experiment, and with excitement they shared their own predictions to one other.

Choice time is one of the Sparrows' favorite activities. They love to build, create and imagine while  learning to share and deal with all types of situations that may arise during engaging with friends.  

 We continued printing our hands on our Peace artwork project. This time, it was the teachers turn!

 The Sparrows learned about another type of cloud: cumulonimbus. We reviewed the ones learned before. Some friends raised their hands to share comments like "Clouds are everywhere!" or "Columbus cloud!"

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Dress up day!

   Today the Sparrows shared the last meeting for Worship with their 3rd grade buddies. Then Friends enjoyed the rest of the day playing ...