Wednesday, September 6, 2017

First Day of School!

Welcome Sparrow friends and family! Here is a glimpse into the Sparrows first day of school! It was a very exciting day for all. Friends jumped into socializing with one another and made quick connections. Once friends signed in, and settled in, they were off to explore the classroom.

During choice, options to choose from included dollhouse, magnatiles, kitchen, books (which are always open!), and legos.

Following our Morning Meeting, friends washed their hands and sat down for a group snack. Friends happily munched on graham crackers and apples, which tends to be a crowd pleaser, as well as conversed with one another.

Next, it was time to check out different parts of the school! On our way through lower school, we stopped to meet and catch up with Alicia. Alicia is our Spanish teacher!

We also stopped in to say "Hello" to Tricia, and see the office. This was very exciting for friends, as when their job is attendance, they will be walking here independently. 

Sparrows paired up with another as we headed towards the Muller Lobby and middle school. When friends were told we would be attending an assembly Friday morning in the Muller Auditorium, cheers and smiles could be heard and seen all around.

We finished the partial tour of our AFS campus in the Stewart Lobby. As we walked back towards lower school, friends walked hand-in-hand, giggling and having all types of conversations. Building our Sparrow community seems to be off to a strong and positive start! 

Ask your Sparrow what they enjoyed most about their first day of school!

1 comment:

  1. Henry said "I pre-ate (appreciate) school. I met so many friends!" He obviously really enjoyed his first day.


Dress up day!

   Today the Sparrows shared the last meeting for Worship with their 3rd grade buddies. Then Friends enjoyed the rest of the day playing ...