Thursday, April 26, 2018

Guitars, Ponies and Belugas.

"No, I don't have my lovey" ;)

 Today in Art class the Sparrows made guitars using the warm/cool color pieces of paper that they painted a week ago. Friends glued on the strings and the rest of the materials to complete a colorful guitar.

In music class the Sparrows listened to Keisha sing "What a Beautiful world" by Louis Armstrong  (song that will be included in the Spring program). Soon after, Friends galloped at the rhythm of the Ponies song.
Finally they sang Baby Beluga that will be also included in the program. It is one of the Sparrow's favorite songs.
Back in the classroom Friends washed their hands and went outside to eat the yummy pretzels and play.

Before lunch Friends had a little bit of choice time.
We concluded the day with Seth's Clown Fish Presentation. Today we all learned new interesting facts about clown fish.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Painting and Tracing

This morning some Sparrows decided to go on a camping trip. They built an extra long magnatile tent for everyone to fit!

Over in dramatic play, there was a new baby in the family! The family members took turns taking care of the baby. Friends made food, brought flowers, and rocked the baby to sleep.

Today friends began creating their Spring inspired works of art for our gallery. Using a printout of the pictures they took, friends began this process with painting a watercolor background. Once dry, friends will add more details using all different types media.

Below friends are working on tracing and cutting out their scuba divers, mermaids, and mermans.

Ask your Sparrow what they like about watercolor painting.

Dress up day!

   Today the Sparrows shared the last meeting for Worship with their 3rd grade buddies. Then Friends enjoyed the rest of the day playing ...