Monday, February 26, 2018

Weekend News, Books, and Soapy Sea Foam!

Weekend News

Yana- Yesterday, I go to Chuck E. Cheese. Then my grandmom come. My dad bring an octopus and crab. My brother had the octopus, and I have a crab. Then I come home, just took walk with my dog. My dog just jump and jump, then I give my dog a treat.

Seth- I went to Maryn's party.

Jaylen- I played with my family. We ate breakfast.

ZoĆ«-  I went to El Poquito with my mama. I played with my toys.

Lincoln- I played with mommy and my dad. I played with my brother and nanny. I go to barbershop with my daddy.

Henry- I played inside. I played with grandma. We played lots of things and watched Finding Nemo.

Thea- Played with my family. We played football. I woke up myself.

Zev- I went to a shop and it had a play area and it had a snow tree and snow house. I went in and the gates were there to trap you. Before you go out, you have to see if there is any grown up. Then, you and the grown up will go out. Then, mommy went into Starbucks.

Mya- I went to the movie theater. I was at New York going to the movies.

Natey- I played at my home. I played with mommy. I played my toys.

Devin- For the weekend, I went to the movies. I saw Early Man.

Taylor- Grandma went to my house. I played with Legos and I build something with magnatiles. On my weekend, I think I went to the shop. My daddy went to Giant and one weekend for dinner, I had pancakes!

This morning, the Sparrows lined up with library books in hand, and walked into the library. Friends returned their borrowed books and sat down on the rug to listen to Michelle read a story. Michelle read Fish is Fish. The story is a colorful picture book, which tells a wonderful story about friendship.

Soon after our shared read aloud, the Sparrows got to choose new books of their own to check out.

As friends returned to the classroom, they put their new library books on the bookshelf and sat down for morning meeting.

During choice time, we filled two bins with water and "sea foam." Friends LOVED the water play and "swimming" with the sea animals. 

Using the Smartboard, we put on a live underwater camera. Friends requested a shark cam!
Later on, we put on a sea creature slideshow for friends to get a closer look at some sea animals, and creatures that are of interest to them.

Soon, the Sparrows will choose sea creatures to study and do research on!

Ask your Sparrow which sea creature they would like to learn more about.

Thursday, February 22, 2018


The Sparrows' day began with art. Friends were each given a cutout sea turtle and asked to create a mosaic. Using wooden popsicle sticks, friends first spread glue all over the turtle, and then placed tiny square tiles on top, covering all of the glue.

Friends took their time and were careful and purposeful with their work.

In between art and music, we had morning meeting in the classroom, where we discussed coral, coral reef, clown fish and lionfish. We learned facts pertaining to each, and friends made many connections to the classic Finding Nemo!

Some of the items discussed were as follows:
-Corals have a stony skeleton, and look like a brain! 
-Coral reefs look like underwater gardens, where a lot of sea life live.
-Clown fish are covered in a layer of slime which makes it safe for them to live in anemones.
-Lionfish have poisonous spines to protect themselves from enemies.

Keisha came to our room for music today. We sang a few songs while seated on the rug, and then some more but this time standing up and moving around. Friends sang some of their favorites like The Bee went to the Barn and John the Rabbit. Friends really enjoyed singing along to John the Rabbit, pretending they had bunny tails and chiming in on their special part to say, "Yes, ma'am."

To end music, friends sang the goodbye song and each got a chance to tap on Keisha's drum.

For choice, some friends chose to work collaboratively on a floor under the sea puzzle. The group was very focused and determined, and displayed wonderful team and turn-taking skills.

The Sparrows continued to paint the twilight and sunlight zones for our ocean display.

Ask your Sparrow why it is safe for clown fish to live in anemones.

Dress up day!

   Today the Sparrows shared the last meeting for Worship with their 3rd grade buddies. Then Friends enjoyed the rest of the day playing ...