Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Yesterday and Today

(Note: Pictures are out of order)

Yesterday, September 19th, the Sparrows day began with Spanish. Alicia tried to trick us in a game of Que Falta (What's missing), but the Sparrows succeeded in identifying each automobile that was missing. Soon after Spanish, we had choice and Morning Meeting. During our Morning Meeting, we used the Smartboard to demo how to create our very own self-portraits. Throughout choice, friends took turns coming to the table to complete their September Self-Portraits. Also, during choice we had an impromptu jam session with some kindergarteners. Following choice, we went outside for outdoor play!

Today, September 20th, friends gathered for Meeting for Worship in the classroom. We listened to peaceful outdoor sounds, and let our bodies settle. To close, we had a conversation about what it felt like for each of our bodies and minds to settle, relax and listen to the sounds. Today, friends enjoyed playing in the dramatic play area, with trains, the dollhouse, and geoboards. Friends also finished up working on their self-portraits.

Ask your Sparrow what it felt like for them sitting in Meeting for Worship.

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