Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Books, Community Helpers, and Spanish!

Monday, September 11th

Yesterday, the Sparrows visited the library! Michelle read us a couple of Elephant and Piggie books. After reading, friends were able to explore the library on their own, and select a book that was placed out on one of the tables.

Once friends found a book of their own, they met Michelle over at the desk, where she checked it out for them. Library books can be found on the designated shelf in the Sparrow classroom.

Below, we had a whole group read aloud of Fill a Bucket. The book discusses what it is to be a bucket filler and how to fill a friend's bucket, as well as fill your own. The book also discusses bucket dipping. This is common language we will use throughout the year in the classroom.

Ask your Sparrow what it means to be a bucket filler/dipper.

Before we went outside, it was time for the big reveal...COMMUNITY HELPERS! Each week friends will have a specific job which will help grow and take care of our classroom community. Friends were very excited to find out and take on their roles in the classroom this week. Having this type of responsibility allows for friends to feel and become more independent, as well as grow as respectful leaders.

Following outdoor play, one of the Sparrow's shared a book for read aloud.

Tuesday, September 12

What a fun-filled morning! We had our first day of Spanish class, and friends could not have been more thrilled to see and meet Alicia! Alicia first introduced herself and then each Sparrow introduced themselves. After, Alicia played a name game that kept friends laughing and cheering the whole way through!

Friends learned a good morning song (Buenos Dias), and goodbye song (Adios, Hasta Luego), that we will sing to begin and end each Spanish class. Alicia went over the songs and what the words mean in English.

After Spanish, friends entered into choice time.

Today, friends painted their pictures frames that will hold their family photos!

During morning meeting, friends noticed their pictures hanging by the schedule. Each day, a friend will get the chance to the lead class in going over the schedule and calendar. The attendance person will review the sign-in chart, and question of the day.

Ask your Sparrow what their job is this week.

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