Thursday, June 7, 2018

Dress up day!

 Today the Sparrows shared the last meeting for Worship with their 3rd grade buddies.
Then Friends enjoyed the rest of the day playing games with their costumes.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Creek Walk Adventure!

This morning the Sparrows geared up and got ready to go on a creek walk. They put on their rain boots and were out the door! 
Friends had snack on the go.

Getting to the creek was a lot of fun in itself, as their were big muddy puddles in the grass made from the rain the night before.

Friends were careful in stepping over plants, sticks and roots to make their way into the creek.

The Sparrows enjoyed the way the cool water felt on top of their rain boots. Friends splashed around and collected items they found interesting. Some friends thought they may have even spotted a sea urchin!

After a bit of time, friends started to collect large sticks to help them navigate the creek and look to see the depth of the water.

Group photo-op!

During our creek walk, the Sparrows noticed trash left behind. Friends took it upon themselves to pick up the trash and carry it to the trashcan and recycling bin. After all...POLLUTION FREE IS THE WAY TO BE!
We are so proud of the Sparrows and their stewardship!

After our creek walk, we went back to the playground! Already wet from the creek adventure, friends went for it! Friends splished and splashed in the giant puddle in the playground. This was a dream come true for all of the Sparrows!

Ask your Sparrow about the creek walk. What they did/saw/felt/liked.

Reminder: Pajama day is tomorrow, Tuesday, June 5th!

Dress up day!

   Today the Sparrows shared the last meeting for Worship with their 3rd grade buddies. Then Friends enjoyed the rest of the day playing ...