Monday, May 7, 2018

What's the news?

Weekend News

Yana- I go to Disney and I had so much fun and I see jellyfish, and Dory, and Nemo. I see Elsa and Anna, and they were so cute, and they were so beautiful, and I see Ariel. I saw Snow White and I eat some ice cream with my brother. I eat vanilla.

Seth- When I was sleeping, I woke up. I listened to my mommy on my way to school. I have a lot of people in my family and I love them.

Devin- Guess what! I saw a new movie called Stubby, and I got to have banana pancakes. I got it at a restaurant.  I got to play outside and do Nature Playdate. Guess what! At summer time, I get to see my cousins! I get to swim in my pool.

Lincoln- I went to Toys "R" Us and get some Legos. I got a Lightning McQueen. I got a new Lightning McQueen because the other one is broken. Toby got a clay robot. I play with my mommy and dad, and I also went to Olivia's birthday.

Mya- I stayed in New York. I ate before I went to Pennsylvania, and then I returned back to the Sparrows. The trunk in my borrowed car can open and shut by itself.

Thea- I played with mommy and daddy. I played hide and seek. I went to the big pool.

Jaylen- I went to the Playdate with mommy. We build my house.

Natey- I come to school and go to Eco-Fest. I make a moon. Play on the playground.

Zoƫ- I go to loving park and it had a food truck. I got pot pie. I go with cousin Maya and cousin Bella to the Nature Playdate.

Zev- I went to to Nature Playdate and we ate apples. At first we couldn't find mommy but then we
found her.

Over in dramatic play, friends were getting ready for a birthday party.

Some of the friends helped prepare the food and cake.

Others helped to decorate and set the table for the celebration.

Friends waited patiently for the party to begin.

Party time! Happy birthday baby Rosita!

There were all sorts of food for friends to munch on. Bread, veggies, muffins, cupcakes, pie and cake. There was no shortage of sweets at this party! The Sparrows sure know how to throw a birthday party!

Over in the classroom library, friends gathered together to read a book about sharks.

Soon after the party, it was time to go to school. Teacher Mya gathered friends on the front rug for a read aloud. Mya read Not Norman.

Soon after choice, friends washed their hands for snack. Today we had bananas, cheese and crackers. Following snack, the Sparrows went outside for outdoor play. Friends played in the pond, made soups and pies, played chasing games and more.

Ask your Sparrow what you need for a birthday party (and why).

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