Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Teachable Moments

During our classroom Meeting for Worship, we read Peck, Peck, Peck by Lucy Cousins. It is a story of a little woodpecker, whose daddy teaches how to peck a tree. At the conclusion of our story, friends were asked to think of a moment when someone taught them something new. Here are their responses below.

Zoƫ- One time my mom teached me how to do a move like this (showed the class a dance move).

Taylor- So one time my daddy teached me how to do another one of those moves like this (showed the class dance moves).

Seth- One time my mommy, daddy, and brothers teach me how to do big kid stuff.

Lincoln- My mom teach me how to jump.

Thea- My mom helped me to pull my pants up.

Yana- My friend teach me how to share toys.

Mya- My mommy taught me how to put my clothes on all by myself, and how to get out the shower and dry myself.

Natey- Coach Darren teach me to play soccer at soccer school.

Henry- I taught mommy to do this (moves finger), but mommy could only do it with her pinky.

Jaylen- Mommy taught me to put my shoes on.

Zev- My mommy and daddy taught me not to do mean things.

This morning in the Sparrow classroom there was bird watching and building.

As well as the reading of a class favorite, Elemenopee.

Friends worked on their tracing and cutting with scissors skills at the drawing table.

Also, friends continued working on their scuba divers, mermaids and mermans, or merkids as some deemed it!

Contemplating what to do next.

Friends went on a "hike" today. Once they found the perfect resting spot, they set up camp and enjoyed a family picnic.

Cooking in the kitchen.

What beautiful weather today! Below are pictures of friends enjoying the warm weather and sunshine. Friends played chasing games, made pies, and built different types of structures.

Today Jaylen presented his report on the regal blue tang.

Fact: Dory is a regal blue tang.

Ask your Sparrow to share about a time when someone taught them something new.

1 comment:

  1. I loved this topic. What a great recognition of the wonderful adults in these children's lives.
    Grandmom Barbara


Dress up day!

   Today the Sparrows shared the last meeting for Worship with their 3rd grade buddies. Then Friends enjoyed the rest of the day playing ...