Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Welcome back from Winter Break!

What did you do over Winter Break?

Zoë- I had a playdate with my new friend Audin. I go to Winter break festival and played some games at the festival.

Devin- I go to the movies, four times! I played a dinosaur game at the movies. 

Taylor- My baby is born! My baby is named Hayden. I drawed too!

Henry- Me and Devin had a playdate at the Please Touch Museum. 

Jaylen- I played with my mommy and daddy. We played trucks.

Lincoln- I played with my brother. 

Thea- I play with my mommy and daddy. I go to the tienda and I get some food. 

Mya- I had fun at New York and I sleep there. I only visit there. I have a picture of my family in my house. Titi has flowers in her hand in the picture.

Zev- I liked sitting down and eating what Gigi liked to eat. We went in the car and drove to the place where Gigi wanted to eat. It was called Italian.

Shiloh- My mommy take me to the beach.

Natey- I got presents. I play mommy and daddy.

Seth- I go with my mom downstairs to her room. I played with my dog and then I have dinner. All the time movies that I watch. All the time I like to play with my family. I like to play with my friends and my dog.

The Sparrows jumped right into their school day with Spanish! Friends happily greeted Alicia and wished her a happy New Year!

To refresh our memories, we went over the types of weather, and weather song as well.

We played Matamoscas. 
Listening to friends call out the different types of weather in Spanish was quite impressive! Friends were proud to show off their knowledge, and the teachers were proud as well!

Today we welcomed our new friend Lincoln to the Sparrow classroom. Friends were very welcoming and helpful in making Lincoln feel comfortable. We are excited to add another Sparrow to our flock!

The Sparrows were very happy to be back together! Lots of smiles and acts of kindness could be seen and heard amongst friends.

Friends enjoyed drawing with one another...

Playing "sleepover."

Building and cooking things up in the kitchen!

Since it was VERY cold outside today, the Sparrows stayed inside and got in some large movement activity during a walkabout around school.

We hope you all had a wonderful holiday and happy new year!

Ask your Sparrow what they enjoyed most about being back school.

Stay warm!

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